Jesuit Studies Café

Jesuit Studies Café

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and its collaborating partners at the University of Lisbon and the Italian-German Historical Institute at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, invite you to join informal conversations with the world's preeminent scholars working on the history, spirituality, and educational heritage of the Society of Jesus. These discussions – hosted at the Institute over coffee and also available via Zoom videoconference – are unique opportunities to learn more about the newest and most interesting scholarship in Jesuit Studies.

If you would like to attend a café via videoconference, please register, and you will receive information on how to access the online meeting space 24 hours before the discussion. Please contact the Institute with any questions or if you wish to join or lead a café in the future (


Spring 2025 Conversations

At Jesuit Studies Cafes in the Spring of 2025, we will dconnect with authors and disscuss topics related to their publication. 

January 30, 2025

Barton T. Geger, S.J., Boston College

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus: A Critical Edition with the Complementary Norms (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2024)

About the book: The Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556), is one of history’s most storied and impactful religious organizations. Central to its mission is the idea of the “Greater Glory of God,” which shaped every aspect of the Jesuits’ lives—from their ministries to their spiritual practices. Ignatius outlined this vision in the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, complemented by his Spiritual Exercises. Together, they offer a timeless, transformative approach to living the gospel that continues to inspire Jesuits and Christians worldwide.

February 27, 2025

Raffaella Perin, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

The Popes on Air: The History of the Vatican Radio From Its Origins to World War II  (Fordham University Press, 2024)

About the book: This groundbreaking study explores the origins of Vatican Radio (1931–1958) and its pivotal role during World War II and beyond. Drawing on newly opened Vatican Archives, the book sheds light on the controversial pontificate of Pius XII, the Church’s relationships with fascist regimes and democracies, responses to anti-Semitism and the Shoah, and the Church’s adaptation to new media. It also examines postwar challenges like Italy’s Christian Democratic Party, the evolving role of women, and the fight against communism in a secularizing world—offering a fresh perspective on a transformative era.

March 27, 2025

Luís Campos Ribeiro, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Jesuit Astrology: Prognostication and Science in Early Modern Culture (Brill, 2024)

About the book: Astrology and the Jesuits may seem unlikely allies, but this groundbreaking study uncovers Jesuit scientific texts that reveal a nuanced and practical engagement with astrology in early modern times. Challenging assumptions about the Church’s rejection of astrology, the book offers a fresh perspective on Jesuit culture, science, and education, shedding new light on an often-overlooked aspect of their history.

April 24, 2025

John McGreevy, University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis (WW.Norton & Company, 2022)

About the book: John T. McGreevy’s Catholicism chronicles the dramatic evolution of the Roman Catholic Church over the past two centuries, from the French Revolution to modern crises. Through vivid individual stories and sweeping historical analysis, McGreevy explores the Church’s role as both a preserver of tradition and a force for reform, engaging with political struggles, global missionary work, decolonization, and liberation theology. Highlighting figures like Pope John Paul II, Edith Stein, and Gustavo Gutiérrez, this essential volume captures the complexities of the Church’s history and its enduring impact on the modern world.

May 22, 2025

Christoph Nebgen & Elisa Frei, Goethe University, Germany

Interview with the Missionary: Frequently Asked Questions to the Jesuit Petitioners for the Indies (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2025)

About the book: This volume provides a rare glimpse into the spiritual and practical preparation of Jesuit missionaries in the 17th and 18th centuries. Interview with the Missionary features critical editions of foundational documents, offering insights into spiritual discernment, cross-cultural challenges, and the demands of missionary life. Edited by Elisa Frei and Christoph Nebgen, this essential resource reveals the inner workings of Jesuit missions, making it invaluable for scholars of religious history, cultural studies, and early modern missions.

Past Conversations


Fall 2021   |  

Fall 2020   |  Spring 2021

Fall 2024


Jesuit Studies Café Partners



Department for the History and Philosophy of Science
Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon



Italian-German Historical Institute
at the Bruno Kessler Foundation


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