The Mission and Ministry Service Center provides efficient, professional, and reliable customer support with financial reporting, budget management, PeopleSoft processing, P-card management, grant administration, human resources, web services, program management (UMM System), event & retreat planning, and special projects. Refer to the What's New Archive for monthly updates.
How Can We Help You?
Payment Forms
| Description |
Employee Reimbursement Form | To reimburse an employee, please complete this form and tape all ITEMIZED receipts to an 8.5x11 ONE-SIDED blank page. |
Student Reimbursement Form | To reimburse a student, please complete this form and tape all ITEMIZED receipts to an 8.5x11 ONE-SIDED blank page. |
Student Direct Deposit Form | To reimburse a student (who is not working for BC) through Direct Deposit, please complete this form. |
Voucher Form | This form should accompany any invoice or paperwork related to paying a vendor (Outside Vendors, Companies, and Non-BC Individuals). If this vendor has not previously been paid by Boston College, please have them fill out a W9 or a W8Ben |
U.S. Supplier or Individual Registration Form | All new Companies or Individuals providing services or goods to Boston College must register as a Supplier (This process is replacing W9 & W8-Ben paper form submissions). *Please note: paper submissions will not be accepted. |
Award Form | Use this form to pay an award to a STUDENT. This form should not be used to submit payment for services rendered. |
Honorarium | Fill out this form when paying a non-BC speaker or other professional person for services for which fees are not legally or traditionally required. If this speaker has not previously been paid by Boston College, please have them fill out a W9. |
Please review the following policies prior to processing forms in regards to payments to outside vendors, companies and non-BC Individuals. | |
A travel advance may be obtained when costs of travel have been incurred before the trip (e.g. airplane). The form must be signed and received at least TWO WEEKS prior to the trip and must include the PROPER supporting documentation showing the expenses have incurred. Advances are not issued to employees who have yet to reconcile previously issued advances. | |
International Currency Conversion ------ Travel Expense and Reimbursement Policies | *Remember: Employees and guests of the University requiring reimbursement for airline travel must turn in boarding passes! |
P-Card Support Form | Use this form if you have a question regarding your p-card (charge was declined; suspect fraudulent charge; or any other question you may have) |
Deposits from Income & Fundraising
For fundraising deposits please deliver cash and checks with one of the following forms to the UMMSC:
To collect payments and dues from participants, we strongly recommend that you use the UMM System with CashNet whenever possible.
To set up a new CashNet collection for fundraising (i.e. bake sale, t-shirts, etc.), fill out an E-Market request form and submit it to the UMMSC two weeks before the date that you would like to begin collecting money.
Deposits from Donations
We encourage donations to be collected online through the UMM Online Giving page. If they are received as a check, use one of the following forms and deliver to the UMMSC:
Events and Retreats
Request Forms
Bus Request Only for Off-Campus
*Please note: you no longer have to use the Service Center to reserve classroom, auditorium or lounge space. Make sure you put "(student program)" before the title of you event/meeting. If there is a location with a room fee or if you want to order food through Event Management you must use the Service Center.
Related Links:
- BC Event Planning 101
- A list of timelines that you need to follow
- Locations on campus where you can order outside food.
- *You cannot order outside food to any location that has a kitchen in the building.
- Additional fees that you might incur (i.e. Grounds overtime, supervisor fees, etc.)
- Heights Catering Menu
- Please review the list of menus Event Manamgent provides for your event.
- Drop-Off Services - "Heights Express"
- Use the Heights Express for last minute food orders
- *Please note: the Service Center cannot order food from Heights Express for groups. To place an order go to your Agora page and under "Food Options" select "Heights Catering - Drop Off Service". It is recommended that you use your PCARD.
Hire Forms
Request Forms
Undergraduate Student Hires
*Only utilize this form for Students being hired for the entire academic year
Fall, Spring and Summer Graduate Student Hires
*Only utilize this form for Students being hired for the entire academic year
Graduate Student One-Time Payment Form
*payments to Graduate Students Only
Tuition Remission Request Form
Supplemental Payment Forms for Employees
Please read carefully through the form to ensure best practices are being followed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at
UMM System
Request Forms
Login Links:
Student and Other Participant Login
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I don't have access to view my program(s) when I log in to How do I get access?
A: Submit a request through the Existing Program Request Form with details about which program(s) you are working with and the Service Center will grant you the appropriate access.
Q: How can I give my my graduate student(s) and/or student leaders access to my program(s)?
A: Your student(s) are able to gain access to your program. First, have them sign the UMMPM Confidentiality Agreement. Once the student(s) informs you they signed the agreement the Program Manager should fill out the Student Access form to ask the Serivce Center to give those students access.
Q: What if I want to adjust a fee for a participant?
A: Submit a request through the Existing Program Request Form with the new fee and the first name, last name, and Eagle ID number of the person you would like to have pay an alternative fee amount.
Q: Is there an informational sheet that I can print out and have with me as I use the system?
A: Yes! The UMMPM Info Sheet reviews the basics on how to use the UMM System.
Request Forms
Website Protocol
Please refer to the University Editorial Style Guideline if you have any questions regarding best practices for the web.
Request Forms
- Learn more about the Purchasing Card Program and procedures.
- Complete the Purchasing Cardholder Agreement Form. Once you have filled out the form, your request will be reviewed and you will receive an email stating that your card will be mailed to you.
- If you have any issues with your P-card please submit a request or complete the P-card Support Form.
- Know before you go! The p-card will NOT work at local establishments coded as sit-down restaurants. If you would like to see how you vendor is coded before you attempt to purchase, visit the Visa Supplier Locator.
New Program
Request Forms
This request form is for any new program in the UMM system, retreat, event/conference, or budget. Someone in the Service Center will reach out to you to determine if a meeting needs to be set up to discuss the new program, retreat, or budget.
Bellarmine House Reservation
Request Forms
If you are not a member of the Mission and Ministry Division and you would like to reserve the Bellarmine House, please reach out to Lisa Gentile at in regards to your request.